Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beach Party!!!

Friday I had the chance to work at the Discover magazine beach party instead of going to the office. Obviously, I jumped at the chance. The party was at the publisher's penthouse apartment at Long Beach, on Long Island....about an hour train ride from Manhattan. When I first got there, we were put to work pretty quick (me and the other 3 interns that went). I somehow got stuck outside alone for awhile with this bossy woman that was a slave driver, I sweated so much that my hair was wet for the rest of the day - not kidding. But other than that, the rest of the day was great! The other interns and I just rotated between a few different locations, and all we really did was help direct people various places while we ate and drank. I had two dips in the frigid water, but it felt wonderful! I got a bit of a sunburn, but its not too bad. Overall, it was a fabulous day, and I'm glad I got to go to the beach at least once, and on a Friday no less!

Our first task (the intern's that is) was to put up this tent. There was a table inside for lunch and dinner.

This was the building that the publisher's apartment was in. Not the swankiest thing I've ever seen, but I would guess a penthouse with an ocean view still costs a pretty penny!

Me enjoying the beach.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How FUN!! Wow... to see a beach when it's this freakin hot outside would be FABULOUS!

Sounds like you guys had quite the time at the beach. And to get paid no less. :)

Hope you're having fun today!