Monday, June 1, 2009

Finally, Progress!!!!

Finally, we have a place to put this kid when we have it. Kevin cleared all his stuff out of the guest room on Saturday, although unfortunately its still all sitting in various piles around the house. And I sold the guest bed on craigslist in about an hour, woohoo! Then yesterday my mom came over to help clean the room and move the little bit of furniture we have into it. So here it is....

Here is the completed closet. Kevin completely tore out all of the plaster, and built in the shelves and everything himself. Very nice. Lots more space than this kid will need.

This is the furniture we have so far: crib, rocking chair, and dresser chest. I'm still supposedly getting a changing table from a friend, that will go somewhere in the vast openness of the room.

Satchel says, "Why is this room so empty?" The room is just huge. I don't know if Kevin will end up moving his computer desk back in there, or what will happen....But its done!

1 comment:

Jess P. said...

Yay!!! Glad to see pictures!