Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Its waaaaay too hot for this.....

Today was the 8th day in a row of 90+ temps in St. I was thinking that I would get this uncomfortable stuff over with before the summer got bad, and we're in the middle of a heat wave. Ugh.
Anyway. Today I went to the doctor. It was kind of a pain because when I got there for a 10:15 appointment, they said she was in surgery and that it would probably be sometime after 11. I could have seen the PA again (that's who I saw last week) but I just decided I'd wait and see the doctor since it had been three weeks. So we waited. It was about 11:15 that we went in to see her. I'll try my hardest to remember all the details, but my brain is mostly mush. First of all, I'm just 1 cm dilated...but I am 80% effaced. The doctor kind of insinuated that she thought i could go sooner than later, but when I tried to ask her she just said everyone is different. I'm sure she just didn't want to get my hopes up cause I'm sure its possible I could still go to my due date.
When she measured me, she said I was measuring 41-42 weeks, and she kind of freaked out about the baby being big. I think she was a little out of it, it was her first day back after vacation and she'd just gotten in from surgery. So I just reminded her yes it does seem that I'm having a big kid. But she wants me to go to the perinatal lab at the hospital for an ultrasound. I was concerned then because that's like special fancy ultrasound (its where I had to go for the special heart ultrasound) and I asked her why go there instead of the in-office ultrasound tech - she just said she's concerned about his size and checking my fluid levels, and having a perinatal specialist reading the results. But the way the scheduling works, my doctor faxes over an order and then the lab calls me to schedule the appt, and no one ever called me today. So I guess it wasn't that urgent. I don't really know.
Then about my numb hands. I can't remember if I said that I have carpal tunnel syndrome and this is very common at this stage of pregnancy. But the doctor said that in some cases, the swelling can cause permanent damage, and that I should see a orthopedic surgeon. So my doctor's nurse used to work in such an office, and has an in for scheduling appointments, so I basically went straight from my doctor to the ortho doctor. He gave me cortisone injections in both of my wrists that should help with the swelling and numbness in a few days. I also have some wrist splints to wear while I sleep (not too sure what this helps). The doctor did comment that I might 'get this all over with before its made any difference' so who knows. Right now my wrists and hands feel very weird....I should probably not be typing this much. Oh well.
Also, because of how swollen my feet are, the doctor asked if it was possible that I take the rest of the week off work to keep my feet up and see if it helps the swelling. So I kind of am....I only went in for about 2 hours today, and I'll only go in for the afternoon tomorrow, and then I think I'll take off Friday for real. And Monday I'll go back to the doctor. So who knows. That's what's going on....

1 comment:

Drool Sessions said...

Thanks for the updates! I'll be praying for you! Sounds like things are super-crazy and that there might be a baby sooner rather than later! Relax when you can!