Went to the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown with Jen, Angie, Matt, Jackie and Allen. The parade was long, and it was actually a little too warm in the sun (I even got a sunburn) but I was glad to experience my first downtown parade.

The weather has been pretty nice, so twice last week Jackie helped me take the dogs for a walk. Lucy is kind of crazy on walks, and pulls me the whole way, so its nice to have Jackie walk the crazy dog. We went once to Tower Grove Park, one of my favorite places. Jackie even took both dogs for short sprints, and helped Lucy try to chase some birds.

At home, Kevin's been working hard on re-doing the closet in the baby's room. No pictures yet, but last weekend he tore out all the plaster. Why you might ask? Good question, but I can't tell you. So this weekend he finished the wiring to put in lights (that was the whole goal) and he got the dry wall up and the first coat of mud. He's going to build some shelves in there, and put up a nice long shelf and closet rod. It will be even nicer than my closet!
Not much else. Just working and trying to keep the dogs in line. Satchel has started instigating some biting fights with Lucy which can be exhausting. Lately I just put some peanut butter in her Kong and that will occupy her long enough to forget about biting. But she's getting so big!!
Now I'm off to my 24 week doctors appointment. I have to have a glucose test, so I just had to drink this gross orange sugar drink. It has the baby kicking like crazy right now. Hopefully I don't have gestational diabetes! I also am finally looking into day cares. I went to see one this morning, about 10 blocks south of our house. Now there are two more I'd like to see, and I've talked to one person on the phone who has a small in-home daycare. Someone told me though that a person like that isn't tax deductible? Does anyone know?
1 comment:
from what I recall, to get the tax break it just needs to be a licensed place. so is it a licensed in-home daycare, or just a lady that watches kids? I can check more into it... maybe Charlie remembers, he just finished the taxes. hope the appointment goes well!
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