Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Taking Pictures Ain't Easy

This Saturday, I decided to try to take some pictures of Gus that could be potential 'first birthday' pictures, simply because there weren't a lot to choose from after the family photo shoot over the 4th of July weekend. But a few other pictures first.....

Gus and Jackie playing with sunglasses
Gus loves Tunes the Tiger (and his dada)
Gus loves to sit on the couch and play with the curtains. Here he was actually sitting on Satchel and bouncing up and down.....very funny.
Ok, now for my attempt at being a photographer. Gus and I went to the botanical gardens looking for photo opportunities.....
But this is what most things ended up looking like.....
Here are a few of the cuter ones.......

So I'm not sure if I'll just go with the best one the photographer had? Or go with the one three above this one (cropped as a portrait)? What do you think? Yea, probably the photographer's.....

I leave for Montreal Friday morning. I'm very nervous about leaving Gus for so long, especially when I won't be able to call or text anytime (it's very expensive to call 'internationally'!!!). But thankfully my iPhone is working again thanks to parts from my boss's old phone.....so hopefully I can skype for free or something.....wish me luck. And wish Kevin luck, he'll probably need it....


jen p. said...

I vote for the first one with the column. I think the composition is cool, the background is interesting, and he's got the dimples!

Jess P. said...

I agree with Jenny. I like the photog ones too, so maybe one of each? How many poses are you hoping for?