Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Its a BOY!

Yesterday we finally had our 20 week ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby. And we found out its a boy! All along I had kind of had that feeling, but then on Sunday I started thinking maybe it was a girl. But anyway, its a boy. I didn't get any fancy digital pictures or a cd or anything with the ultrasound pictures like some people I know, so I was going to scan the pictures so I could post them. But I've been trying to use the scanner at work all afternoon, and someone is always on that computer. I guess they're not that exciting anyway. The baby was turned towards my back so we never got a very good look at his face, so I don't have any good normal whole-baby-looking pictures anyway. Everything was perfectly normal though - 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 kidneys, a bladder, a stomach, 4 heart chambers, and he was normal size (although they never told me what that size was....but the books say he's about 6 inches and 9 oz by now).
Kevin is very proud - I guess he really wanted a boy. I was completely indifferent, I just thought a boy would be nice for my nephew John to play with, and also he could wear all of John's hand-me-downs, since they'll both have July birthdays. But I do feel a little sad it isn't a girl, although I think I would feel a little sad it wasn't a boy if it was a girl. Not that I expect that to make sense to anyone. Now we just have to talk more about names. Kevin is dead-set on Gus (August) but I'm not certain. He's trying to make the deal "If we name him Gus, then you can name the next one." But I don't know. I guess I have two issues.....first, when I hear the name Gus I think of a fat old man. Second, I do really like the name August, but does August Thole sound dumb? Having to alliterate those two T's? We'll see. I really like the name Owen, but it ends up its a lot more popular than I thought (ranked 56 in 2007). I'm just weird and don't want to do anything popular. So who knows.
Thursday I have another ultrasound to look more closely at the heart. I have no idea what to expect, so maybe I'll get some good pictures then I can share.


Unknown said...

Gus was the guy all the girls wanted in Anne of Green Gables!

Unknown said...

Oh wait, no, that was Gilbert! Ha! I'm a dork.

jen p. said...

I like Gus! You could name him August Owen, that sounds good together. And if you'd call him Gus, I don't think the two T's is terribly troublesome.