Thursday, May 20, 2010


I don't know much really, but I have some good pictures to share. Last weekend Erin, Mike, Max, and Lauren came over for dinner. It was particularly entertaining because Gus and Max had on the same shirt! So we tried to take a few twinkie pictures.

Max meets one of the baby chicks

Gus's first taste of brownie!

Max and Gus wreak havoc with the dog water

Gus has been particularly entertaining with the dogs lately. Here he is giving Satchel some love.

He LOVES Lucy - she just makes him crack up constantly. He is still brave enough to climb on her, but she usually jumps away immediately which of course makes him laugh more!

Another recent favorite - crawling over the top of Satchel (and other things as you'll see in the video). I guess Lucy doesn't sit still long enough for him to crawl over her though.

I often let Gus play with whatever he can find in the kitchen while I try to do dishes or cook. The other day he was somehow able to get the blue pyrex bowl out of my stack of bowls (see them on the right), as well as the pastry blender out of the basket next to the bowls. He loves making noise with anything, so this was just entertaining because he was smacking the pastry blender on the bowl. Future chef, perhaps?

And now, Gus's most recent trick - he loves to crawl over the wood ledge thing under our coffee table. The first few times he did it he ended up hurting himself, but now he crawls over it like a pro! One less thing to dust, I guess.....


jen p. said...

too funny!! now I want to see a video of him standing up on the dogs and laughing!

Jess P. said...

I was laughing out loud as he was coming at the video camera with that huge smile on his face! So cute!!!