Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bad Timing

I'll start out with the not-so-depressing stuff.
This weekend we went on a private tour and tasting at the Schlafly Tap Room. It was pretty cool, just because it was small and very casual. One thing we learned is that when a Schlafly worker gets married, their wedding present is to get to brew something special for the wedding. I guess a guy that got married last year made a beer everyone liked so much they're bringing it back this year. It was one we got to taste - IBA - India Brown Ale....very very good! But anyway, the majority of the tour was in the basement, which was cool since its such an old building. We got to taste one beer straight from the finishing tank, and then we had 5 others to taste (which they kept refilling during our 25 minutes of tasting!!) and they gave us cheese and sausage. Score!!

Here is Kevin and his unsightly beard with one of Schlafly's oak casks they use for conditioning.

I just thought this was funny.

They took a picture of all of us, but they haven't emailed it to me yet. So sad. Otherwise, Jen took one, so maybe I can get that eventually. But the tour was really cool, I'm grateful to June for getting it for us!

Here are a few random pictures of Gus.
Being cute last Sunday

Wearing his Illinois shirt once again triggering a loss....what is wrong with Illinois football this year?

Passed out....

This was just a funny one of Kevin and Lucy - she jumped up on his lap while he was sitting down. She was probably looking for food in the grotesque beard.

On to the bad news. Almost everyone that reads this probably already knows, but I'm saying it here to preface the next pictures. Kevin got laid off Monday, which obviously sucks. I'm just hoping and praying this means he'll end up with a job he likes better for which he's compensated appropriately, instead of getting paid crap for all the work he does. His boss laid off half the company, and Kevin's pretty sure the company in general is going to be over with soon based on their complete lack of cash flow in the last 6 months or so. I guess its possible his boss will call him next week wanting to hire him back (he's been doing this with other people for months) but Kevin hopes more than anything he'll find something else by then. So yea, scared to death about making ends meet, but I'm trying to be positive and take things day by day....
But the BEST THING EVER about all this? Kevin decided he had to shave! HOORAY!!!!!!
So when I was driving to work Tuesday morning, Kevin first texted me this picture:

Followed shortly by a picture of a pile of his hair in the sink (which I'm sparing you), and then this picture:

Kevin really looks good there. But anyway, the beard is gone. So relieved. He seemed serious about growing a handlebar mustache, and I swear I would not have gone out in public with him looking like that..... Today he was supposedly going to get a haircut (in Highland, since he refuses to go anywhere else) so now he looks presentable for the interviews which I hope to God are coming soon.....

So that's what's going on.....

1 comment:

jen p. said...

those pictures of gus are SO CUTE! they almost offset the scary mustache pic...