Monday, January 10, 2011

A Wedding and a Belated Christmas!

This weekend, my cousin Aaron got married! His mom (my aunt) had asked me if I would be interested in making the cake, and I said yes, of course! So I spent a good part of late last week preparing a cake to serve a reception for 290 (!!!). It turned out ok, I always have certain issues....but everyone seemed happy with it. So that's done with. The reception was at a really cool old warehouse space in Edwardsville, so I attempted to take 'arty' pictures where you could see some of the other cool buildings from the reception hall. My 'arty' pictures are usually failures. Alas.

One goal while we were all dressed up - a family picture. We went through the entire holiday season without taking one. So here's our best attempt. As usual, Kevin's eyes are closed.

Aaron and Emmy coming to the reception.....we had to go outside and light sparklers even though it was about 15 degrees. Brrr!

Decent picture of us. Of the attempts I had, the one that I looked best, Kevin's eyes were closed. Of course.

Brothers - Aaron and Adam

Like father, like son.

Grandma and Grandpa try to pose with John for a picture.

Random one - I finished my stocking just a little after Christmas! Kevin's is still stretched out from the bag of starburst I put in it....

Gus and Anna being cute (too bad you can't see Anna's face).

Superstar Christmas was at Janeice's house this Sunday. We had a very nice luncheon using her bridal china for the first time ever (they've been married two and a half years!). As usual, it was great to spend some time with everyone.

Two superstar baby bumps! Laura is due in late June, Ang in late May. Yay!

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