Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just a few pictures....

Just so you know I didn't forget about my blog, I thought I'd post a few pictures. Not much has been going on and I haven't taken many pictures lately in general. In fact, the only thing I can think of that we've done recently is we went to Quincy for Kevin's cousin Dena's wedding reception. So that was Gus's longest car trip (he did great!) and his first overnight at a hotel, so exciting! Unfortunately I never took a family picture while we were dressed up. Shame on me. Other than that, Gus is getting closer and closer to trying to crawl. I'll have to take a movie of him soon on his hands and knees rocking back and forth! But here are some recent pictures.

Gus was playing on the floor while I was doing something in the kitchen - when i walked back in Lucy was laying right by him and Gus was petting her. I'm sure I missed a few face licks too....

Gus passed out sitting by dad on the couch

Super smiley in the bouncer!

Gus and Grandma June at Dena's reception

Dad putting a Fussy Gussy to sleep at the reception

A nice picture of my favorite dog :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bouncing and Puffs!

I know these aren't the most exciting videos ever, but remember Gus is only (almost) 7 months old and doesn't do all that much.
In the first video....he has been bouncing in my lap a lot lately. I'm not sure if one of the exersaucers at day care bounces or where this came from? So I tried the doorway bouncy thing from Jenny again, and now he goes to town bouncing. (Before now when I would put him in this, he just stood there relatively bored).
In the second video....I gave Gus his first Gerber puffs this past weekend. He made horrible faces and kind of gagged on them. I tried them again last night, and he keeps making horrible faces, but then opens his mouth cause he wants to eat another. We also experimented with him trying to grab them and put them in his mouth himself, but he'll have to work on that. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Party in the Desert

Hooray for some warmer weather! Gus and I just returned from a visit to Phoenix to see Mandy and her family. I figured there was no better time than January to head to the sunny desert. Thankfully, all the crazy rain happened in Phoenix the week before we went, so while we were there it was about 70 and sunny every day. Not too shabby! Gus survived his first plane ride pretty well, and slept almost the entire way. He also slept pretty well there (although he half woke up every morning at 5:30, I could always make him sleep until at least after 6).
Mandy hosted us out at her beautiful new house in Gilbert, about 30 miles outside of Phoenix. Gilbert seemed kind of strange because everything was really new (less than 10 years, I would guess) and looked the same. Then sprinkled among this was some farms. Literally there would be horses and cows on a block with giant new houses. Very strange! I have some highlights from pictures below, or you can see them all on my snapfish page:

The Eyrich family at the Phoenix zoo

Me and Gus with some saguaro cacti at a park near Mandy's house

Me and Gus on top of South Mountain, which is just south (I know, shocking) of downtown Phoenix, so you can see it above and just to the right of us. You can just drive to the top, so it was very convenient....I wasn't sure I was ready to hike with the baby bjorn. There were cacti all the way up the mountain!

Spencer and Gus playing. Spencer was almost ALWAYS in Gus's face if they both were awake. I think Gus was a little lost last night without someone to constantly entertain him!

The kids at Tempe Town Lake

Cool cacti and some big red rocks at the Phoenix zoo

The ultimate zoo habitat - the zoo has the bighorn sheep out on these giant rocks. So cool! The red rocks at the stl zoo pale in comparison....

Dad, this one is for you. If you can see past the reflection of my shirt, I took a picture of a field. They have these parallel mounds of dirt, and Mandy said they flood the fields instead of regularly watering them, and the dirt somehow contains water without washing stuff away. Mandy said they even grow corn there, crazy! Just very different looking than fields at home. I guess this is alfalfa?