All of the superstar girls and children were able to make it! Gus and Anna even shared a first kiss! (I have a picture of that on my phone, I'll have to have a blog post of phone pictures sometime but I haven't downloaded any recently). You can kind of see the two impending children in this picture too (baby girl Neske and baby boy Myers)!!
It's a little easier to see the baby bumps when there aren't kids in the way :)
Following the conclusion of the shower, many of the girls headed to St. Louis where Jen had booked us a few rooms at the Hilton at the Ballpark for the evening. We then boarded a party bus, where our driver Albert took care of us for the night.
The party bus indeed had a party going on, with Jen and Katie even dancing in the aisles!
Jen has a heart-to-heart with Albert.
Superstars that made it to the bachelorette party - hooray to preggers Ang for joining us!
Our first stop - Double D's karaoke bar. We never took a group picture, but I grabbed this one of almost everyone watching a karaoke-er.
Jen's favorite stop - Mike Talayna's Jukebox. Holy mirrors and disco balls.
Our last stop - the Library....Janeice thought buying one of these bucket drinks was a good idea. I think the fact that she held onto the bucket was the best idea.....
Me and the bride to be. I have a version of this picture that someone else took (you can see I took this one) but for some reason I always look better in the ones I take.
Our view from the hotel room in the light of morning....not too shabby!
Thankfully I didn't need too much help recovering from the bachelorette party, so I could enjoy the amazing weather on Sunday - it was 75 degrees in mid-February!!! Gus and I took a dump truck outside to enjoy the weather.
Basically, he just drives the truck back and forth down the sidewalk. This is a good thing considering the amount of dog pooh in the grass.
I even convinced my anti-walking husband to go for a walk! We got Gus's new wagon (from Christmas) out on the sidewalks for the second time ever. He loves it!
Gus in his wagon!
Those are more or less my recent pictures. Other things that have been going on.... Kevin finally shaved his beard and got a haircut! I finally have back the man I married! He took some really funny pictures of his facial hair as he cut it off, I will need to get them from him and post them here because I think you'd be entertained.
Teaching is going pretty well. The weeks where I teach three nights are pretty insane, but Kevin is helping me out at home and it could be a lot worse. This week I suddenly had no voice, so I didn't lecture at my Tuesday class - which means I have three hours worth of talking to do tonight to catch up, so maybe my voice will be gone again! Now I just need to hope I can get a job one of these days. I applied for two more teaching jobs, and pretty soon I'll start talking to people about doing another postdoc (which I'd really rather not do). But I need a job!
Other big news from my world - I'm going to be an aunt again! My sister Jess and her new hubby Todd are expecting in the fall! I assume this is fair game to put out into the blogosphere, although I'm waiting for her to mention it on facebook before I finally have the status 'I'm going to be an aunt again, Hooray!'. So that's crazy exciting. And then all the pressure falls to poor Jackie ;)
That's about it. I don't lecture at all this next week, thanks to my friend Kim who is guest lecturing for my plant class. I'm going to savor every minute of not working on lectures for a week! I'm also really looking forward to watching the Oscars on Sunday with my friend Lauren - absolutely one of my most favorite things to do. Should be a good weekend!